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föstudagur, október 28, 2005

drottinn minn dýri (ur öskunni í eldinn)

(ATH: Síðan þessi færsla var skrifuð hef ég kynnst honum Helga Val nokkuð vel og komist að því að hann sé ágætis gæi. Tónlistin hans er samt frekar mikið gubb.)

Ég er byrjaður að stunda þá róna-subb-búllu er kallast Hressingarskálinn óhóflega mikið að undanförnu, sökum þess að mér er boðið upp á ókeypis koffín þar, og var í gær búinn að mæla mér mót við einhverja dækju þar. Ég mætti snemma og drakk mikið kaffi, en tók skyndilega eftir því, mér til mikillar mæðu, að einhver prumpandi fáviti í lopapeysu með gítar hafði sest á stól við innganginn og risavaxin upptökuvél komið fyrir svona ca. átta sentímetrum frá slímuga fésinu hans. Ég hélt ég myndi hníga niður og fá niðurgang þegar hann hóf að væla einhverja vitleysu sem var svo slæm að það var í alvörunni skárri að heyra útgáfurnar hans af Damien Rice og Doors lögum heldur þessar hægðir sem hann dirfist kalla frumsamið efni. Þegar hann loksins kynnti sig með nafni kom í ljós að þetta var enginn annar en hin margrómaði Helgi Valur, og eftir þetta kvöld get ég vissulega staðfest það að Ísland sé komið með nýjan konung ömurleikans.
Það var ekki bara það að maðurinn syngur í alvörunni öll verstu og leiðinlegustu lög í heimi (No Limit með 2Unlimited var skásta sem hann spilaði), heldur líka hversu frábæran hann taldi sig vera: trúbador er náttúrulega bara trúbador, en það var attitjúdið sem fór svo í mig. Hann endurspeglaði FULLKOMLEGA allt sem ég hata við íslenska tónlist: Hann truði því að hann væri rosalega djúp tilfinningavera (ojbara) sem hafði mikið af málefnum að tjá sig um (ojbara) sérstaklega það hvað hann væri mikill tónlistarunnandi (ojbara) fyrir að hlusta á Jeff Buckley (hmmm...), Damien Rice (ojbara) og the Doors (OJBARA). Hann trúði því líka að það eina sem skipti máli í tónlist væri einlægni (ojbara), falleg söngrödd (ojbara), og metnaðarfull lagasmíði (OJBARA). Og þetta er að vísu ekki honum að kenna beint, en útaf því að hann var að spila var sextán ára vinkonu minni ekki hleypt inn vegna TUTTUGU ÁRA ALDURSTAKMARKSINS sem alltíeinu fór í gildi þegar hann byrjaði að emja eins og svínið sem hann er. Alla vegana er einhverjum hlíft frá leiðindunum sem hann gólaði yfir okkur í gær.
En það alversta við þetta allt saman var myndavélin. Öllum var drullusama um þennan fávita - fólk gleymdi næstum því að klappa á milli laga - en samt vildu einhverjar fáfróðar útlendingahræður taka upp hvert einast dýrmæta augnablik af þessum sora af því að tónleikar með Helga Val er að sjálfsögðu merkur viðburður sem þarf klárlega að lifa áfram í spjöldum sögunnar og yngri kynslóðir sem ekki höfðu tækifærið til að upplifa töfrana sem fyrirfinndust á tónleikunum hans þyrftu að hafa einhverja leið til að skilja hversu ótrúlegur hann var í raun og veru...fokking fávitar.


Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

Þetta er ein af þeim fáu bloggsíðum sem ég æli ekki yfir, verulega skemmtilegt hjá þér:) sjáumst..

11:31 e.h.  
Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

hver er helgi valur?

7:15 e.h.  
Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

Ég er sammála þér. Þetta er bara rugl!
Yfir og út!

1:50 f.h.  
Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

koma svo! blogga!

3:04 e.h.  
Blogger Bergieman said...

Helgi Valur er fæddur til að detta, helst ofan á gítarmagnarann sinn sem óvart er við sundlaugina. Sorglegur dauðdagi, ekki fyrir okkur.

11:49 e.h.  
Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

Þú ert svolítið gramur eða það finnst mér..

3:51 f.h.  
Blogger spritti said...

hann hlítur bara að vera eitthvað klikkaður þessi hálvidi.........

9:13 f.h.  
Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

Þú ert skrýtinn lítill karl og sjálfsagt svolítið skotinn í Helga Val enda er hann rosa sætur.

7:19 f.h.  
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2:06 f.h.  
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3. He analyzed the casino bonuses one by one and maximized his starting position. Almost all of the casinos offer an initial deposit bonus. Some even offer a second and third deposit bonus. On all of these promotions there are limits as to how much they allow as a bonus. In this case study the client played on all three deposit bonuses. First Deposit: 100% up to $150. Needless to say his first casino deposit was $150 (via Neteller) Second Deposit: 50% up to $150. His second deposit was $300 (via Neteller) giving him a bonus of $150. Again, he maximized his bonus allotment. Third Deposit: 75% up to $75. He deposited $100 (via Neteller) for a $75 bonus. In addition to the deposit bounses there was a Neteller deposit bouns. Neteller Deposit Bonus: Neteller bonus is a fixed 10% on all Neteller deposits. His total deposit was $550. So his bonus was $55.
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It is very important that the casino you choose to register for the offer at any of your favorite games, such as virtual table games, slots and rollers. The online casinos usually have a list of games they offer on their website to see the potential players. In case your favorite games are not listed, it is advisable to proceed to the next casino.

4. Online casinos regularly offer big bonuses that can take the form of: (i) signing-up bonus that gets you started off; (ii) bonuses that can be cashed; (iii) bonuses that cannot be cashed, and (iv) cash back bonus, which is paid if the player loses. No traditional offline casino offers so many bonuses!

9:29 e.h.  
Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

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1. He fully read the casino bonuses and promotions page. This sounds like common sense, but it's important to read the fine print. Many casinos offer a special terms of Service page for each individual casino bouns. Casinos make their money by "giving" you a promotional bonus and requiring you to gamble for just long enough so that in theory you lose your initial deposit and the bonus amount. This requirement is called the "play through requirement". Knowing the play through requirement and the odds of the game you are going to play are important. Because if you can find a casino that offers a low play through requirement and high enough bonus you could (in theory) make money for as long as your eligible for the bonus.
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The online casinos do offer free drinks or hotel room, but it offers free money, lotteries, and more stuff. One of the advantages of playing in online casinos is that you can save money on airline tickets, hotel rooms and that you think you can earn that money or use of this money to play in the online casinos. Drawbacks to play in the online casinos is that you do not get the free drinks while you play and you do not get to go out to clubs or places like if you go to Las Vegas.

It is very important that the casino you choose to register for the offer at any of your favorite games, such as virtual table games, slots and rollers. The online casinos usually have a list of games they offer on their website to see the potential players. In case your favorite games are not listed, it is advisable to proceed to the next casino.

2. Regular brick-n-mortar casinos normally ploy subtle methods to divert your attention from the game. They employ pretty hostesses and sweet-talking managers who are forever trying to entice you to buy a drink, or whatever. Now when you drink above the average, you lose focus on the game and make mistakes. This is precisely what the brick-n-mortar casinos want you to do is spend your money buying chips, then spend it on drinks and food, and then lose both your concentration and money! Online casinos cannot play such tricks as you play on these from home and, therefore, there is nothing to distract you or divert your attention from the game.

5:39 f.h.  
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9:52 f.h.  
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9:26 f.h.  
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6:30 e.h.  
Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

If you are a novice gambler you probably haven’t heard the term but professional bettors who earn their livelihood from sports betting use the method all the time taking advantage of the variance in odds from the opinions of the diverse number of bookmakers. Even though it sounds as if it is a no risk situation that may not always be the case and there some issues that can cause you to lose.

Finally, to insure that you do indeed have the best betting odds that you can get, it is crucial as a bettor to shop the money line and the odds. Any reputable sports book online would offer the best line for your wagers without coercion. However, once you have found the best deal, it is important to verify and scrutinize the odds based on the past performance of the particular teams involved you can make appropriate judgments that can be indicative of the weaknesses and strengths of the respective sporting teams. You should also do research on the sports players, injury lists, and the teams if possible.
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On the other hand if you were to lose then you would wager twice what your original bet was. According to proponents of the system, this strategy will eventually enable you to win the bets you place and when you win you would recover all your lost bets plus one unit profit against your initial wager.

The most commonly occurring reason I have found for people consistently losing money at sports betting is that they have no "game plan". The most essential elements of a good game plan for betting purposes are a valid, proven Selection System and a proper Staking Plan. The Staking Plan alone won't cut it; first and foremost you must employ a worthwhile Selection System.

6:37 e.h.  
Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

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12:38 e.h.  
Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

Everything about horse betting

Where did that harbinger of doom, the missing 0.5% of handle go? Our best guess is that you'll find that, and much more, going to the enterprising non-pool race and sports books that have cropped up to better serve today's horse racing fans. Most of these on-line books offer full track odds, signup bonuses, cash back on wagers, and give refunds for scratches, instead of forcing the bet to the track favorite. Oh, and did we mention that most don't impose taxes of any sort on winnings.
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In the United States, races can occur on flat surfaces of either dirt or grass, generally for thoroughbred racing. Other tracks offer quarter horse racing]] and harness racing. The best events in US horse racing have been Kentucky Derby, which, together with the Preakness Stakes and the Belmont Stakes, form the Triple Crown for three-year-olds. However, in recent years the Breeders' Cup races, held at the end of the year, have been challenging the Triple Crown events, held early in.

What makes this event so difficult to win? Several factors have to be considered. First there's the age of the horses. Triple Crown races are limited to 3 year olds, juveniles, all of whom officially have their birthday on January 1st of each year. By the first Saturday in May (the running of the Kentucky Derby), though most of the contestants will have actually reached their third birthday, they won't realize their full growth and potential until their fourth or fifth years.

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Now that Ah Day has passed on the Preakness, eight other horses will be looking to spoil Barbaro's bid for the second leg of the Triple Crown. Two are returning from their Derby bids and six more that skipped the Run for the Roses.

1:16 f.h.  
Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

You may not be aware of what banking Internet actually is, and it can be a bit confusing because it has so many names from online banking to PC banking as well as electronic banking and banking online.

With the popularity of the Internet and the power it gives people to take control of their lives, many traditional banks have created banking Internet web pages where customers could transfer money, set up bill payments recurring or otherwise, quickly check items that have cleared, and many other functions that can be accessed 24 hours per day 7 days a week.

Banking Internet options also include virtual banks.

This is amazing and makes traveling a lot less stressful as well because with banking Internet you always know where your account stands.
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Times are changing, with the internet redefining the banking sector over the last five years. Do not be confused as it continues to develop, the many names it goes by all mean the same thing electronic, online and PC banking are all just synonyms traditional banking services provided through a secure internet portal.

The banks also benefit from a lesser need for staff due to the migration to internet banking where customers serve themselves.

To help the growth and assist customers to make the change, many traditional banks offer minimal fee or completely free transfers to help customers migrate to their online banking service.
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Paying bills, transferring funds and just plain monitoring your account are all possible with minimal stress whether you are ravelling, holidaying or working anywhere in the world.

3:29 e.h.  
Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

Moving on we have non other than Bobby Charlton - now Sir Bobby Charlton of course. Another member of the Busby Babes who also survived the crash in Munich Bobby netted 249 times for Utd- the club record. For a long time he also held the record for the most appearances for the club at 758, a figure that has since been surpassed by Ryan Giggs. [url=]manchester united[/url] The appointment of Sir Matt Busby as United’s manager after the war signalled a turning point in the team’s athletic fortunes. Busby instituted the practice of tapping players from the club’s youth team, then an unheard-of practice, but which soon produced impressive results as the team soon won the Football League in 1956 and 1957. The run ended in 1958 following the tragic Munich air disaster when eight of the team’s players perished. After a shaky period where some thought the club would fold, United once again made it to the winner’s circle by winning the Football League in 1965 and 1967 and the European Cup in 1968. [url=]dimitar berbatov[/url] Back in the Newton Heath era, the kits were made up of yellow and green stitched sections (1878 - 1892), and looked a bit like a jockey's silks. Some additional colour schemes were also employed such as a red and white shirt (1892-1894) paired with blue shorts. This all changed in 1902 when the club changed its name to Manchester United, the club radically altered the kit colours to red shirts, white shorts and black socks. This colour palette has been the foundation of the home strip ever since. The away strip is white jerseys, black shorts and white socks however different looks to this strip have existed. The most notorious of these was the all-grey strip employed in the 1995-1996 campaign. The club did not win a single game when sporting the grey shirts. The team were vociferous in their claims that the drab colour meant they had difficulty seeing their team-mates, hence passes were being sprayed all over the pitch! Another variation was the all-black kit used in 1994 and 2003. There is also a "Third Strip". This shirt which is not often used, is an homage to the kit worn when the club won the 1968 European Cup. The team has occasionally used the strips employed for training sessions in actual matches although this has been a rare occurence.

6:48 e.h.  
Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

Finding the right sports books and bookmakers to use for your arbitrage sports betting can be a daunting task with the internet now they are everywhere. The list of crooked bookmaking sites that have helped part people with their money and robbed them of their winnings grows longer every day. Being enlightened about this all sports bettors should do their due diligence before signing up with any bookmaker and be sure of their reputation as well as their guarantees on return of winnings. Almost all sports betting sites will have reviews so read them before making your decision on which one you go with.
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Everyone who is involved in any kind of gaming, gambling, or betting as heard the stories of legendary people who have supposedly created the next foolproof betting system and have used the system themselves to help them to avoid losing and get higher profits over the long haul. The fact is that there is not a system in existence that can guarantee you that you will definitely be successful and never lose.
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It appears that the United States legal system is closer than ever before to cutting off ties with any type of online gambling within its boundaries. This includes poker, casinos, and sports betting among others. Generally speaking, anything that has to do with transmitting money via the internet as far as gambling is concerned is being cracked down on quite harshly.

The problem is, most people wouldn't know where to begin if they had to devise their own worthwhile Selection System, and those clever enough to be able to do so simply wouldn't have the time to do it (it is an arduous task). In fact, there are only two groups of people who do bother to spend the time and money to do so properly: (i) Bookies and (ii) sports tipsters. However, while you can be 100% sure that all Bookies operate a good Selection System (but they won't share it with you), you can be sure that 99% of so-called expert tipsters don't. The number of tipsters doing a proper job on the Internet can probably be counted on the fingers of just two hands.

9:34 e.h.  
Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

If you’re like me when you first saw the term “arbitrage sports betting” you just said, “huh?” You may even be reading this article because you were wondering. It is a relatively little method that can actually allow you to make money no matter who wins or loses. Kind of like heads I win, tails I win!
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One key thing to remember when you are seeking out the best sports betting odds is that the best odds and the best sports bookmaker are not necessarily one and the same.
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In July 2006 they finally got what they were hoping for when legislation was passed with a vote of 317 to 93. By passing legislation, it appears imminent that the Wire Act of 1961 is going to be updated to more closely coincide with the internet world of today. Basically, the Wire Act states that it is a felony to transmit bets via wire communications. The next step in the process is for the bill to go in front of the Senate. If they agree with the first round of voting it is safe to say that things are going to change drastically.

Another important subject I must briefly refer to is "catch-up" staking. If you find that you need to employ this tactic regularly, it means three things: (1) your Selection System sucks, (2) you haven't got a clue about what constitutes a proper Staking Plan, and (3) you have turned your chances of regularly and quickly losing your Base Bank to a 100% certainty!

12:40 f.h.  
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